
AdAge: Don't Be Seduced By the Siren Song of Retailer Ad Platforms

Our CEO speaks out about the pitfalls of short-termism and the value of building a differentiated brand

Published on AdAge.com, October, 20, 2021:

Last week, Lowe’s Home Improvement announced that it was joining the crowded list of retailers offering an advertising platform to brand marketers. Amazon may boast the most successful of these (arguably predatory) services, but Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Kroger, Best Buy, and Home Depot are among the many players who have taken this route.

Almost no consumer brand category is safe.

This trend should worry any consumer brand that hopes to make a dent at retail, online or in-store. With 85% of brands planning to move more marketing dollars to retail networks, it is time to reconsider what’s at stake.

Read the full article on AdAge, or download a PDF here.

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