
Erik with a "K"

Our new graphic designer, Erik R. Johnson, is the first Planeteer with a mechanical pencil collection (as far as we know).

We’ve been on a remote hiring streak lately, but our new graphic designer, Erik R. Johnson, is a Wisconsin boy through-and-through. Erik hails from nearby Verona, went to college at UW Eau Claire (and studied abroad in the Netherlands), and then lived in an abandoned hotel in Eau Claire before heading back south to settle in Madison.

His most recent gig was at Shine United where, aptly for a Wisco kid, he worked on Lake Louie Beer and Wisconsin Cheese, plus Festival Foods, Quartz Health Solutions, and others.

Erik’s evenings and weekends are filled with an electric mix of activities and proclivities:

What’s a skill or hobby from childhood you still keep up with (and how)?

I still like to paint with acrylics on canvas. Nowadays I keep up with it more in digital form with painting on the iPad Pro.

What do you collect?

I have a decent mechanical pencil collection. My favorite is the Faber-Castell TK-Fine Vario L mechanical pencil, 0.7 mm. You can twist the handle to adjust the softness/hardness of graphite pressure.

What’s your favorite sport to play?

I love playing golf and tennis. Although, I’m definitely a fair weather player. I’m not trying to play in the cold/wind.

If you won some money, but you had to spend it on one of your hobbies, what would you buy?

New golf clubs, mainly a putter.

And what if you won a more sizable chunk of change?

I’d buy my own golf cart!

What’s a skill or hobby you picked up as an adult?

I’ve gotten a lot better at cooking. Still not great, but meal kits have helped tremendously.

This Old House or Fixer Upper?

Fixer Upper. That Chip is a hoot.

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