
The Roach Approach

Our new executive producer Katie Roach is changing the game with her unflappable ways.

What do Jeep, Jack Daniel’s, Boeing, and Clorox have in common? Katie Roach... Planet’s new Executive Producer. Katie’s experience working with mega-brands at FCB, BBDO, and McGarryBowen has been a huge boon to our production team in the last few months, as she tackles Duluth Trading Co. shoots & post-pro with expert poise. But, that’s not the only reason we hired her. No. We hired Katie for the tackle-toughies-without-batting-an-eye-yet-also-almost-concerningly-kind aura that follows her wherever she goes.

Outside the office, you can catch Katie kicking up her feet at the Terrace or sipping on bourbon at The Village Bar. Yet, despite this apparent love of the laid-back, she openly admits her celebrity crush is none other than DJ Pauly D from Jersey Shore. And while we haven’t seen much of her inner Snooki, Katie’s sunny disposition and constant butt-kickery have certainly made for brighter days here at Planet. (She also claims to be able to talk like Donald Duck, but so far we’ve failed to coax out that fowl rendition. Someday, Katie. Someday.)

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