American Players Theatre
- Brand Strategy
- Digital
- Logo and ID
- Website
- Book Design
- Posters
- Direct Mail
- Apparel
Planet has partnered with APT for more than 30 years—longer than many Planeteers have been alive. They welcome nearly 110,000 individuals to their performances each season.

Our longest-running partnership is with the beloved American Players Theatre. Nestled in the lush Wisconsin countryside, APT has long been a regional hub for the performing arts. We’re proud to have helped them increase their renown and build a fervent fan base, having designed countless materials—from brochures, to posters, to websites—that inspire ticket sales and entice attendees.
The arrival of the printed Book of Summer, which we’ve designed, written, and produced since 1990, gives theatre-goers an inviting preview of the season ahead. Flipping through the lush and evocative Book of Summer is a welcome balm for fans' late-winter cabin fever.